Challenge: 98% of people can’t find the camouflaged cat in the image; can you?

Challenge: 98% of people can't find the camouflaged cat in the image; can you?
Challenge: 98% of people can’t find the camouflaged cat in the image; can you? (Photo: Reproduction/Brightside)

Only 2% of people can spot the camouflaged cat in this image. Can you?

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The challenge, created by the Bright Side website, asks internet users to try to locate the cleverly hidden cat in this image in less than 10 seconds. According to them, 98% of people can’t locate the cunning feline within the time limit.

(Photo: Reproduction/Brightside)

Have you found the feline yet? If yes, congratulations! Your observation skills are truly remarkable. If you couldn’t, don’t worry, as you can improve your vision with practice. Check the answer below:

(Photo: Reproduction/Brightside)
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